Students at the FTEA club table at OrgSmorg


Each day brings a variety of events and activities happening on campus. That’s because students at WLC don’t just focus on academics. They take part in — and lead — events and organizations that help develop leadership skills, spark their curiosity in new interests, and connect them with diverse people and opinions.

你觉得什么很有趣? Whether you want to enjoy the great outdoors, 和朋友一起做志愿者, 或者磨练你的技能, there’s a way for you to pursue your passion at WLC through our 35+ clubs and organizations, 活动及事件, 学生领导机会, 以及校内项目.



Our clubs and orgs are initiated and led by you, the students! 由在校生推动, clubs and orgs must provide something unique to campus, have at least five active founding members, 以及一名教职员工顾问. We currently have 35+ active clubs and orgs at WLC. If you arrive and can't find a club that sparks your interest, start your own!

A smattering of clubs and organizations currently active:

  • 早餐读书俱乐部
  • 创意写作俱乐部
  • 刑事司法学会
  • 多元化学生会
  • Future Teacher's Education Association
  • 人类社会服务社
  • 投资俱乐部
  • 模拟试验
  • 户外康乐会
  • 电涌舞
  • 法律系的社会
  • 心理学俱乐部
  • Student Athletic Advisory Committee
  • 学生护理协会(SNA)
  • 剑学生新闻来源
  • 极限飞盘组织
  • 勇士事件委员会(WEB)
  • 勇士帮助他人
  • STEM领域的勇士
  • 举重俱乐部
  • WLC学生会
  • 瑜伽俱乐部
You'll be able to explore and join clubs and orgs at our annual OrgSmorg, held during your first weekend on campus! Current students can view all active clubs and orgs on myWLC.


WLC students attending an Admirals game

The WLC Warrior 事件 Board organizes, plans, and runs many of the student events here on campus. You'll encounter WEB events throughout each week, 包括校内和校外的活动, 比如:轮滑, 南瓜雕刻, 卡拉ok的夜晚, 开放的健身房, 一块钱碗, 宾果的夜晚, 看电影之夜, 逃离房间, 啤酒游戏, 户外firepit, 雄鹿队比赛, 真人大小的棋盘游戏, 还有返校舞会, 在无数人中!

Students enjoying food at Phat Tuesday

WLC的传统, 周二酷毙了 is a weekly late night opportunity to take a break from studying and eat FREE FOOD with friends. 食物每周都在变化. 你想吃什么? Chimichangas? 冻奶油? 橄榄园面包棒? 或者,烧烤鸡翅? There's sure to be a 周二酷毙了 that satisfies your cravings.


Once a month, you're invited to enjoy desserts and take a break with friends at 下午茶. This storied tradition is a favorite among our students, 教师, and staff - where all gather together for an afternoon of socialization and tea.

Student dressed in costume at 在大厅里不给糖就捣蛋

在大厅里不给糖就捣蛋 is a WLC tradition that our freshmen love. Each year, alumni and their family and friends are invited to visit ten floors in our 学生宿舍 for a special evening of trick or treating. Our freshmen decorate their halls in a theme of their choosing, 打扮, 给孩子们分发糖果. Children's books, games, movies, and television shows are common decoration themes.

Res hall windows decorated in sticky notes to display Buddy the Elf and a narwal
Sticky Notes Creativity Competition

What started in 2020 as just putting notes up on windows between the floors in Fischer Hall has erupted into an all-out creativity war among the college’s three 学生宿舍. These conversations turned into a fun competition and provide artistic masterpieces for the WLC community to enjoy. 弹药的选择?  便签.

Students attending Service of Light during WLC圣诞节

WLC圣诞节, 12月初举行, is a much-anticipated campus-wide celebration of Christmas that typically includes hors d'oeuvres served in the 战士地下, followed by the Service of Light in the Chapel, and a formal Christmas dinner in the Campus Center.

Student showcasing her talents at the WLC 综艺节目

Showcase your talents and impress your classmates at the annual 综艺节目. Prizes are awarded for 1st-3rd Place, as well as Crowd Favorite. The 综艺节目 is an energetic night of student performances and comedy.


我们的 15+ optional weekly worship opportunities, 9:25 p.m. on Wednesdays may be the favorite among our students. 晚祷-晚祷 is an opportunity to quietly reflect on your week. 短暂的奉献, 祈祷, 每周中间唱赞美诗, in a relaxed atmosphere among peers, is a great way to decompress and rejuvenate, finishing your week strong in God's Word.

Students dancing the night away at Winterfest

A treasured tradition dating back to 1977, our annual Winterfest celebration is your opportunity to dress fancy, enjoy a delicious meal with friends, and dance the night away at a unique Milwaukee location. Previous Winterfest events have been held at such locations as the Milwaukee County Zoo, 发现世界, 哈雷博物馆, 密尔沃基县圆顶, 历史悠久的普利兹拉夫大厦, 巴克莱工厂, 密尔沃基公共博物馆.


The 战士地下 has many uses and purposes, but mainly it serves as your campus living room. 除了 Brewhaus, 有七台电视机, 三张台球桌, 两个飞镖板, 乒乓球, 空气曲棍球, and plenty of board and group games that you can borrow. Many of our on-campus student events are held in this space as well.

All equipment in the 战士地下 is available for your personal and recreational use FREE of charge.

Students playing Clue board game during Game Night in WU